Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2016

A merry christmas from carpe carmina: carmina suavia christmas special

As 2016 comes to an end and christmas is near here, carpe carmina looks back at a fantastic year of indie music, plenty covered on here, some yet unexplored but hopefully soon discovered and passed on to you. And what better way is there to celebrate both this joyful festive season and the mesmerizing music marvel of 12 months past than to share a playlist full of christmas spirit and indie glory, featuring charming covers, outstanding christmassy original songs and a couple of carpe carmina's favourites. So, enjoy while snuggling up under blankets, drinking a cup of cacao and spending time with your loved ones. carpe carmina will be back with brand new reviews, interviews and some exciting specials in 2017. Until then, seize the music and play it loud ... 

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2016

EP review: Shape Of The Sun - ARTiFiCiAL HEARTS. Atmospheric, authentic and ardent art

'Do you remember the bad nights?' Saturday night before last was certainly none of those. And though 'The Bad Nights' has seen a rousing acoustic revival when Nate Linek performed it, among other riveting tracks of debut EP 'Shape Of The Sun' (2015) during his 40+ minutes live set on stageit, it surely have been his three new tunes the audience were most looking forward to.

Montag, 26. September 2016

carmina charm #27

Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony? 

- Leonardo DaVinci

It's harmony that your soul and mind embraces again when listening to music. As sound surrounds you, only some melodies firmly resonate with you, get an immediate emotional response - whilst their approach is a smooth and soft one, whilst they slowly, carefully but steadily cling to you, these melodies eventually grab you with an intensity and force that overwhelms, that fully absorbs and stirs. It's these very melodies that are in chime with your mind and soul, it's music that leaves an imprint on your being and mesmerizes ... music that charms

Mittwoch, 31. August 2016

carmina charm #26

Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony? 

- Leonardo DaVinci

It's harmony that your soul and mind embraces again when listening to music. As sound surrounds you, only some melodies firmly resonate with you, get an immediate emotional response - whilst their approach is a smooth and soft one, whilst they slowly, carefully but steadily cling to you, these melodies eventually grab you with an intensity and force that overwhelms, that fully absorbs and stirs. It's these very melodies that are in chime with your mind and soul, it's music that leaves an imprint on your being and mesmerizes ... music that charms.

Dienstag, 23. August 2016

EP Review: Seegulls - Seegulls. An explosive, enthusiastic and energetic debut full of spirit and pep

It's not the eagle that glides with striking sovereignty on a buoyant boost of air this month, it's the seegulls. The chester-based 5-piece does melodiously bracing and brisk sonic stunts within 15 minutes of airplay and should feel rightfully exalted, as spirited and jubilantly upbeat melodies lift them up to the great heights their musical maiden flight surely will ascend to. 

Dienstag, 12. Juli 2016

Song Premiere: brand new friend - Forgetting Your Birthday (demo)

brand new friend

When those you hold dear forget about your birthday it's hurting; and it's only after moments of self-pity and frustration that misery transforms into anger. Though not dealing with such delicate topic precisely, demo 'Forgetting Your Birthday' is of comparable emotional cycle. 

Montag, 27. Juni 2016

carmina charm #25

Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony? 

- Leonardo DaVinci

It's harmony that your soul and mind embraces again when listening to music. As sound surrounds you, only some melodies firmly resonate with you, get an immediate emotional response - whilst their approach is a smooth and soft one, whilst they slowly, carefully but steadily cling to you, these melodies eventually grab you with an intensity and force that overwhelms, that fully absorbs and stirs. It's these very melodies that are in chime with your mind and soul, it's music that leaves an imprint on your being and mesmerizes ... music that charms

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2016

carmina suavia #5 (feat. episode 40)

There is no end in sight - welcome back to yet another episode of carmina suavia. Time to take delight in a charmingly colourful musical mix ...

Sweet, sweet melodies floating in the air - are you really listening to the music we share? 

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016

carmina charm #24

Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony? 

- Leonardo DaVinci

It's harmony that your soul and mind embraces again when listening to music. As sound surrounds you, only some melodies firmly resonate with you, get an immediate emotional response - whilst their approach is a smooth and soft one, whilst they slowly, carefully but steadily cling to you, these melodies eventually grab you with an intensity and force that overwhelms, that fully absorbs and stirs. It's these very melodies that are in chime with your mind and soul, it's music that leaves an imprint on your being and mesmerizes ... music that charms

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2016

Video Spotlight: The Magic Beans - Us Noah's. Melodiously warm and spellbinding musical magic

carmina suavia #4 (feat. episode 39)

You're still here? Well, good for you - as this new episode of carmina suavia includes a bunch of crackin' tunes, some to indulge in, some to sing along to at the top of your lungs and some to simply rock out t. So, what are you waiting for? Press play ...

Sweet, sweet melodies floating in the air - are you really listening to the music we share? 

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2016

carmina suavia #3 (feat. episode 38)

One to treat your ears to: carmina suavia No. 38, out now and full of exciting and euphonious musical extravaganza. Enjoy and play it loud!

Sweet, sweet melodies floating in the air - are you really listening to the music we share? 

Samstag, 30. April 2016

carmina charm #23

Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony? 

- Leonardo DaVinci

It's harmony that your soul and mind embraces again when listening to music. As sound surrounds you, only some melodies firmly resonate with you, get an immediate emotional response - whilst their approach is a smooth and soft one, whilst they slowly, carefully but steadily cling to you, these melodies eventually grab you with an intensity and force that overwhelms, that fully absorbs and stirs. It's these very melodies that are in chime with your mind and soul, it's music that leaves an imprint on your being and mesmerizes ... music that charms

Mittwoch, 20. April 2016

carmina suavia #2 (feat. episode 37)

Welcome back to another episode of carmina suavia, as premiered and replayed on french radio Radio Kaos Caribou. Enjoy an eclectic mix of exciting indie tunes and don't be afraid to play it loud!

Sweet, sweet melodies floating in the air - are you really listening to the music we share? 

Sonntag, 17. April 2016

carmina suavia #1 (covering episodes 1-36)

Being on a blogging hiatus doesn't necessarily mean it's time to be idle and let all things music take a back seat from now on only. On the contrary; even though carpe carmina won't be graced with any new music reviews until early august (except for monthly carmina charm articles), music lovers can still count on being introduced to plenty of amazing songs and artists for the months to come. How is this possible, you might ask yourself in astonishment ;) Well, aside from speaking my mind aloud when it comes to (indie) music, sharing my musical musings with you all in written form since 2013, I also come up with playlists for french radio RKC (my journey as a song selector started in 2014) - and it's about time to present these versatile collections of tracks to those especially of you who can't listen (mark the 'late hour' it airs) or haven't listened to any of them yet (next week sees the replay of playlist no. 37 already). So, plug your earphones in, turn the volumne up and listen to bi-weekly musical magnitude and magnificence right here, right now and/or live each tuesday evening on Radio Kaos Caribou (carmina suavia (translates as 'sweet/dulcet songs') is played from 10pm (UK time) onwards). 

Mittwoch, 30. März 2016

carmina charm #22

Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony? 

- Leonardo DaVinci

It's harmony that your soul and mind embraces again when listening to music. As sound surrounds you, only some melodies firmly resonate with you, get an immediate emotional response - whilst their approach is a smooth and soft one, whilst they slowly, carefully but steadily cling to you, these melodies eventually grab you with an intensity and force that overwhelms, that fully absorbs and stirs. It's these very melodies that are in chime with your mind and soul, it's music that leaves an imprint on your being and mesmerizes ... music that charms

Sonntag, 20. März 2016

EP Reviews: Cal Ruddy - How To Rewind Life & Jess Kemp - Camden. Acoustic charms!


-With acoustic music, there is nowhere to hide: equipped with your voice and instrument only, you gotta charm with attitude, charisma, soul. -

Samstag, 5. März 2016

Album Review: Elm Treason - Acoustic Treason. A rousing retro rock treat brimful of melodic energy and exciting stylistic diversity

'If you feel the rhythm, if you move to the beat,
if you're humming along, if you're stomping your feet,
then there's a song - and your guess sure's not wrong -
coming to mind, with good reason
it's one by a band called ELM TREASON.'

Dienstag, 1. März 2016

carmina charm #21

Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony? 

- Leonardo DaVinci

It's harmony that your soul and mind embraces again when listening to music. As sound surrounds you, only some melodies firmly resonate with you, get an immediate emotional response - whilst their approach is a smooth and soft one, whilst they slowly, carefully but steadily cling to you, these melodies eventually grab you with an intensity and force that overwhelms, that fully absorbs and stirs. It's these very melodies that are in chime with your mind and soul, it's music that leaves an imprint on your being and mesmerizes ... music that charms

Freitag, 19. Februar 2016

EP Review & Interview: Thom Morecroft - Hand Me Down. Charming narrations, briskly buoyant music and an alluringly husky voice

Hesitant at first, subtle and somehow shy, soon warm, inviting and radiant. A smile. Evoked, conjured, raised  by music, by the sound of something familiar and yet so exciting; melodies bringing back memories and creating new ones, bright and shiny, soft and comforting; words reaching out to heart and soul, lyrics inspire, haunt and hit home; vocals enchant and stir, carry away so effortlessly. A smile, emotions, pure and genuine - all brought into being by what is nothing but emotion itself: music, tones and syllables arranged, conceived and pronounced for what tales and sentiments rise from an artist's mind, an offspring of his thoughts and feelings, of his experiences and imagination, tempting the listener to indulge, to empathise ... to smile

Dienstag, 2. Februar 2016

#HITSBC2016: house in the sand, one of carpe carmina's favourite music blogs, celebrates its 4th year of existence (Feb. 1st - 29th)

Copyright © 2016 house in the sand

"Charmingly and insightfully written reviews, heartfelt and genuine involvement in building musicians' publicity - HITS features diligently chosen music by artists, Vanessa believes in and whose aptitude she is confident of, as her articles convincingly and conspiciously portray. Her passion and love for music in general, for the music she showcases and depicts in particular, is notable, almost sensible 'with each syllable committed to paper' and leaves the reader with a colourful yet concrete impression of the compositions described and appraised." 

- carpe carmina about house in the sand 

Montag, 1. Februar 2016

carmina charm #20

Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony? 

- Leonardo DaVinci

It's harmony that your soul and mind embraces again when listening to music. As sound surrounds you, only some melodies firmly resonate with you, get an immediate emotional response - whilst their approach is a smooth and soft one, whilst they slowly, carefully but steadily cling to you, these melodies eventually grab you with an intensity and force that overwhelms, that fully absorbs and stirs. It's these very melodies that are in chime with your mind and soul, it's music that leaves an imprint on your being and mesmerizes ... music that charms

Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2016

Ready To Rock: Meet Feed The Kid and The Jackobins

Roll up and rekindle your love for passionate and powerfully roaring rock greatness - but beware, you might be swept off your feet ...