Exciting times for carpe carmina as yet another song premiere can be presented to you in such a short period of time (there has already been a perkily explosive instrumental remix of wonderfully nostalgic arcade game flair by canadian pop/rock outfit The Nursery in february): this time birmingham based alt-folk rock act Winter 1982 is about to treat your ears with his new single 'Sometimes', as acoustically performed already for house in the sand's birthday countdown last month - at this point I gleefully congratulate hits, my favourite music blog around, for three years of flourishing existence once more, we all know you hit the (music) mark big time. But now, let's get straight to the (very atmospheric and emotive) point, Winter 1982's stunningly beautiful and melodiously haunting release.
Winter 1982 contributed to house in the sand's birthday countdown
by performing a laid-back acoustic version of 'Sometimes'
by performing a laid-back acoustic version of 'Sometimes'
With light but brisk compositional calmness, nimbly struck chords and dreamily drifting, later on dramatically yearning piano melodies coalesce; with languorous, poignantly rousing euphony and vibrantly driven percussion rhythm 'Sometimes' stirs (to the very core), whilst growing in melodic atmosphere and ardent vocal intensity. Ever achingly soulful, husky and hauntingly vulnerable vocals complement the song's emotionally engaging tonal picture, one that is framed by elusive, sonorously soaring harmonies which burst expressively and - in the end - break it down to the distinct passionate yet sensitively raucous vocal delivery given throughout. Goosebumps galore!
You're interested in learning about the story behind 'Sometimes', in coming to know how Winter 1982 feel about the song, its lyrical and general meaning? Here you go:
>>'Sometimes' always felt like a huge song, even with just guitar and piano, it had a sort of scale to it that felt dramatic, cinematic even. I suppose it's about desperation, the song has a sort of angry drunk spirit to it, wandering pubs, bars and coastlines fighting for something that has already gone. It's a desperate, passionate but always doomed attempt at making a connection. It's the first of a number of songs that are going to be released in the coming months.<<

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