1,2,3,4! .. Furious. Dashing. Progressive. Picking up pace. Dynamically and forcefully. Swirling with infectious fuss. With boisterous roar. With severe, fiercely stinging stridency. 1 - ... 2 - ... 3 - ... 4 - ... gentle and soft sonic serenades unfurl in a low-key and modest, in a balanced and smooth fashion, dwell on calm and mild melodic moments of alluring depth and inciting, tensely flaring expectancy for a fulminant finish, a final frantic, vivacious clash or an elusive, 'open', ergo suspensefully resonant, haunting even, closure.
Rhythm - provided by powerful, vibrant percussions or by sonorous, melodious riffage - shapes a song, dictates verve and energy, mandates mellow, placid serenity, runs, rushes sometimes in a commanding and rousing style, then comes in fluently, delicately and at ease, ommiting insistently ringing instrumental, vocal peaks and waves outright or intentionally, willfully for a surprising, a thrilling crescendo, for a reverberative, an incisive and yet hollow tonal tide, installing these climaxes, these frisky and tense sequences in turn to make an imposing, a gripping compositional mark.
Rhythm - it's the means, the move of a musician, the noisily urging, steamily smouldering engine of his musicianship ... and No Hot Ashes govern, deploy it all so well ...
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Photography by trust a fox photography |
Buoyant and atmospheric riffage of blurry, ethereal sonic accompaniment draws the curtain and reveals a funky and upbeat, a moody yet rhythmically glowing composition. A groovy, dim bass line commands the instrumental layout of 'Goose' with blantant confidence, whilst frisky, fiery guitar gimmicks and vivace, trenchant percussions contribute to establish a more lively, dashing and tingly melodic note, whilst sassy and passionate vocals add a drastic, demanding edge to the song's steadily shaken, uneasy and bouncy beat. Fuzzy and staggering, energetically pulsating guitar waves and vibrant, tensely cadenced drumming make your feet eventually dance to said beat, make you shake your body jauntily without fail.
Its gravely gripping and hollow bass reverberation defines the dynamic and steadily perky momentum of 'Skank', aims at creating an imbuing, bracing composition of electrifying tonal quality and is boosted in this endeavour by the firm echo of brisk drum strokes as well as by a bold guitar pulse that sets the composition's pushy, powerful rhythm. 'Skank's edgy, rousing attitude manifests best in its vivacious, ardent vocal performance marching on with virulent might and sweeping swagger, causing an acutely tingling, vivid buzz.
Now, what's to expect live from these fine and frantic dance anthem creating lads?
Something spirited and furious like this, definitely ...

So, what are you waiting for?! No Hot Ashes' next gig is at Cadence Cafe on October 25th (doors at 7.30 pm, £3 in advance, £4 on the door ). Some other great artists are on the bill as well (the nankeens & Liam McClair) - get your tickets for the OXJAM show in Tyldesley in time!
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Photography by Seagrave Social Photography |
Reach out & listen to No Hot Ashes on ...
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... the band's official website ..
... soundcloud ..
No Hot Ashes' new singles are now available to purchase. Get them here.
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